Drumming is an ancient healing tool, and it's time to reclaim it for your own sacred healing. We will dive into the ancient teachings of the drum; how to use it and reclaiming it as our birth rite.
Are you ready to let go of some anger and frustration and replace them with a sense of #gentlestrength Trapped emotions, especially anger, have a negative effect on your health and well-being.
After a year of providing drop-ins for the Drumming for Trauma Release events, we are now opening the event to everyone and requesting pre-registration.
Cost is $25/person in Sudbury. Confirm your space by sending e-transfer to thelilleywell@gmail.com
Drumming for Trauma Release will assist you in letting go/releasing pent up emotions.
"We're not drumming to handle trauma: we're used to trauma. We're drumming to learn to handle JOY!