Our Partners

Our mission is to provide our expert opinion on the best use of medications and to introduce concepts that explain why we think food should be given the same level of importance as medicine.

We will be explaining the food system and explaining why what you eat matters, and that what you eat eats, also matters.

Meat Producers

  • R O C H A F A R M

    Yes, this is the farm of Pharmacist Owner, Rachelle Rocha and her family in Whitefish, which is about 25 minutes west of Sudbury. They are raising small quantities of heritage breeds of chicken, turkey, lamb, hogget and pork out on pasture and grown with non-GMO feed.

    Rachelle's motivation to farm grew as she deepened her understanding of the Canadian food system and its impact on health during her time as a pharmacist with Canada’s largest grocer. Recognizing that her children had no awareness of how food in grocery stores was produced, she became determined to educate them in an immersive farm experience at home.

    Good food is good medicine.

    Food of this quality is simply not available unless you know a farmer or grow it yourself.

  • NorJo Farm

    Norm and Joanne Leblanc own a small hobby farm in Whitefish, 25 minutes west of Sudbury. They originally started raising rabbits to add their fantastic manure to their garden (no composting needed), but then they researched the benefits of eating rabbit meat.

    Did you know...

    ● rabbit meat is highly sustainable? It is an abundant source of protein with a low impact on the environment. It helped keep people alive through difficult periods of history like the Great Depression.

    ● rabbit meat has a high level of digestible protein and is rich in healthy fats? Plus it is low in cholesterol, low in calories, high in vitamins and minerals (but low in sodium). Amazing!

    ● rabbit is highly consumed in Mediterranean and Asian countries? Cooking it is not difficult but it is a lean white meat so you have to be careful not to dry it out. Look for Italian, Spanish, French or Asian rabbit recipes to get started.

    The health of their female breeding rabbits always comes first so supply is limited. Please reserve early.

  • Sun Run Acres

    Jim and Denise Byrne are raising Cornish Rock chickens on pasture/non-GMO feed in Whitefish, which is about 25 minutes west of Sudbury. The Cornish Rock is a heavy, large breasted chicken bred to grow very quickly and this is the breed you typically find in grocery stores and at restaurants.

    Jim and Denise also grow a variety of vegetables and you may see them during the summer at the Sudbury Farmer’s Market. We also have some of their never sprayed vegetables here at the pharmacy!

  • Duck Creek Bison Farm

    Duck Creek Bison Farm is located in the pristine, natural meadow and wood lands of Lavigne, Northern Ontario (previously a century-old French Canadian dairy farm). Prior to the bisons’ arrival, the farm had been fallowing for 20 years. This allowed the land to return to its natural state. These Bison are completely grass fed on 500 acres of entirely organic land and have NEVER received any form of antibiotics or hormones. Grass-fed Bison is a naturally leaner meat with a pure, unmatched flavour profile. Each cut is traditionally butchered to provide the best quality bison.

  • Birch Lake Abattoir

    Truly, we are full of gratitude for the work of Amos Weber, his family, his employees, and the provincial meat inspectors that service Northern Ontario. There is actually a critical shortage of meat processing facilities in Northern Ontario.

    Amos processes most of the farm animals from R O C H A F A R M. Amos also raises chicken, turkey, pork and beef on his farm. These animals literally cross the yard to the abattoir.

    Beef are outdoor raised, and considered grass-fed with feed grown right on the farm. Pork and Poultry are raised indoors in small batches, on conventional feed.

    This is a Mennonite operation, you will not find any online presence.

  • Creative Meats

    Headquartered in Warren, about 40 minutes east of Sudbury, Creative Meats is a locally owned and operated meat processing business. They are strongly committed to providing the highest quality of meat products to our clients in Northern Ontario.

    Creative Meats processes bison and sometimes rabbits sold here.

  • Valley Poultry Packers

    Valley Poultry Packers is a family-owned business located in Blezard Valley, about 15 minutes north of Sudbury. They have been operating since 1979 and are known for providing freshly processed chicken, turkey, and rabbit. It’s the largest government-inspected processing/abattoir plant in Northern Ontario and can process approximately 10,000 chickens, with room for expansion through partnerships with farmers. They also process 2,000 turkeys, rabbits, pheasants, and other types of poultry.

  • Northern Feather Farm

    Rachelle Quesnel is passionate about hatching all kinds of beautiful heritage poultry, and this is the place that ROCHAFARM gets all of its chicks for poultry production.